Capitol Drive Loans

Apply For Milwaukee Payday Loans Online, By Phone Or In Person Now

Cash Fast! Short Term Payday Loans in Milwaukee, WI

Do you need a little cash to get by? Need money for car repairs? A family emergency? Or maybe you just want to have some extra spending money. Whatever the reason, Capitol Drive Loans offers short-term payday loans in Milwaukee, WI that can be obtained quickly and easily online, over the phone or in-person. 

We offer personal lending options with no credit check required and flexible terms so you can borrow what is needed while still being able to pay it back on your own time.

We also offer more than just traditional cash advances. We can help you start financing your car or equipment purchase or repair through our lending program as well. Regardless of what the need is, whether it’s for something small like a new pair of shoes for your child or an emergency like a major Milwaukee area home repair, we’re here to help with installment loans that fit your budget.

The best part is that you can get started with the application right now!

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Choose the Milwaukee payday loan or cash advance application option that is most convenient for you:

Apply Online

Clicking the Apply Online button below will take you to our secure website, where you can apply and complete your loan online.

Over the Phone

Clicking the In-Person button below will take you to our Contact Page where you can find our phone number and our Capitol Drive Milwaukee payday loan store address.

Please review our loan disclosure prior to completing the agreement for your loan.


This advertisement is an invitation to send us a payday advance application. If your loan application is approved, you will need to complete the transaction and collect the funds at the location that you have chosen.

Repayment min to max: 3 to 60 months   Maximum APR: 35.99% a

Total Cost: The total loan amount of $250 plus APR of 35.99
Repayment: Loans are not required to be repaid within 60 days


Need A Cash Advance?
Problem solved.™


Capitol Drive Loans uses credit agencies, sources of data and information on applications during the underwriting process. Not all applications or requests for extensions are approved or receive the maximum amount requested or permitted.

Notice: Payday advances and short-term installment loans should only be used for short-term financial needs, and not as a long-term financial solution. Consumers experiencing financial difficulty should seek credit counseling.


The quickest way to get the information you need is to call or visit our Milwaukee installment loan location, or you can submit an inquiry and a representative will contact you the same day. If you inquire after 6pm, we will contact you by 10am the next business day.

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